
Blue Marble Launches Cleantech Hedge Fund

May 8, 2009 FinAlternatives

Canadian asset manager Blue Marble Capital Partners is going ‘green’ with the launch of its first hedge fund. The firm has recently unveiled a cleantech-focused hedge fund that will invest in carbon credits and clean technologies.

The new vehicle, the Carbon Alternative Fund, will be managed by Trevor Giles.

Half of the fund, which will invest globally, will be focused on carbon credits and other carbon-related investments, while the remainder will be invested in public and private clean technology companies, or firms that provide raw materials for these companies.

Blue Marble was formed to provide investors with annual absolute return capital appreciation by managing investments that are expected to benefit from a global transition towards carbon constrained societies, the emergence of global carbon markets, and related transitory resource and commodity imbalances, according to the firm’s Web site.

The new fund is open to Canadian and other international investors, but is currently not open to U.S. citizens.

Blue Marble is also in the process of developing what it believes will be Canada's first carbon-linked note and its first carbon-linked bond.

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